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How can I log in to Matchplat Explore Lite?

You can log in to Explore Lite at this link (INSERIRE URL).

In the login page, just enter your e-mail address and password you used and click on the login button. You will redirected on you account.

If you don't remember your credentials, no worries!
You can reset it in a few seconds at this link:

What can I find inside my user profile section?

In your Explore Lite profile you can find two sections:     
Your subscription: here you will find the details of your plan and the credits available for your export.      
Settings: here you can see your billing informations and change your password.

How can I set up my first search?

To set up a search with Explore Lite, just follow these steps:

1) Click the Explore Lite logo.
2) Enter the country you want to explore. This is the only mandatory parameter to start a search. By doing so, you will find all the companies in that country registered within our database.

All other parameters are optional, but we recommend you to use them to refine your search and get more accurate results. The parameters are:
- Territorial area (e.g. California, Lombardy, Saxony etc.)
- City
- Postcode
- Main activity (Manufacturing, Wholesale, Retail e Service activities)
- Operating revenue
- Categories
- Consolidation codes
- Status
- Stages to include (read this article to discover how to use Stages)
- Industry codes, with the possibility to select Primary and secondary codes

The industry codes you can choose from are NAICS,NACE, SIC, and nation-specific industry codes. If you are not familiar with these codes, read our article to find out what they are. You can select the codes from the list available or search for them by entering their digits or the words of their descriptions.

The distinction between primary and secondary codes is due to the fact that a company might carry out several economic activities. In this case, it might have assigned a primary code related to the activity that contributes the largest percentage to the value added of its production unit. In addition to this, it might have secondary codes associated with it. By checking both options, Matchplat Explore will identify companies registered in our database with both the primary and secondary codes you selected.

What can I find inside the Company tab?

1) Company detail: contains the information of the company, a link to official corporate data provided by Orbis, a section to add your comments, the company legal data (status, category, national legal form etc.) and the industry codes related to it.
2) E-mails: shows e-mails filed by the company with local Chambers of Commerce and those identified on the web.
3) Branches: shows other company locations officially registered with local Chambers of Commerce.
4) Finance: reports economic and financial data available with the Enrich Financial service.
5) People: shows a list of professionals associated with the company. Here you can add them to the Hubs, view their personal information and visit their LinkedIn profile.
6) Notes: here you can find theNotes and Agenda section to add further information about the company you found.

What information is available in the Finance section?

The financial information reported in the Finance section of the Company tab is available in two modes: Enrich Financial standard and Enrich Financial Premium. For both, data are available in form of tables and graphs, and you will be able to compare their performance in different years. In addition, you can compare the available data with industry averages by country/territorial area and year of reference.

What are the differences between the two modes? With Enrich Financial standard, available by default within the Finance section of the Company tab, you can view financial data exclusively as percentage changes, comparing different years.

You will have a credit available to you to download the Premium financial data of a single company. After using your credit, you can contact us to request the activation of EnrichFinancial Premium. Enrich Financial Premium displays financial data not only as percentage changes, but also in the form of discrete values. You can export the data of your target companies in PDF format in any moment by clicking the export button.

Can I export the results of my searches?

You have 100 credits at your disposal to export the results of your searches. To do so, you need to add the companies you want to export to an Export folder. All you have to do is:
1) Select the companies you want to export from your results list by checking the box on the left of them.
2) Click on the export button.
3) Create a new folder or select a previously created one from the list.

4) Click on “Save”.
You can find all your Export folders in the platform by clicking the Export folders icon in the toolbar.

What are Stages and how can I use them?

Stages help you keep track of the development of the relationship with the companies you found with Explore Lite.
Click on the Stage icon in the toolbar to access the Stages section.

Here you will find six default stages: prospect, in progress, negotiation, stand by, lost, won.
You can move a company from one stage to another by clicking on the Change Stage icon and selecting the new stage or dragging and dropping the company into the new stage.
You can also create new stages according to your needs. To do it you need to:
1) Click on Add New Stage in the lower right corner.
2) Click on Add new stage.
3) Choose the name and the color of the new stage and click on Add (+) to create it.

What are the Hubs?

Hubs are spaces where you can add people in line with your goals.

To access the Hubs section, click on the Hubs icon in the toolbar.
In the section you can:
- View all Hubs created by you
- Sort them from most recent to least recent.
- Filter them by type
- Search them by name using the field provided.

By clicking on the details button you can:
- Open the hub.
- Remove it.
- Rename it.

What information is available in the personal profile of a professional?

For every person in the Explore Lite database you can view a personal profile summarizing his professional and educational experiences.
You can access the personal profile by clicking the Expand icon in the People section of the Company tab.

You can also add notes about the person and carry out different actions:
- Copy the link to the person profile.
- Add them to the Hubs (by clicking the Hubs icon).
- Access their LinkedIn profile (by clicking the LinkedIn icon).

How can I save my searches?

To save your searches just click on the Save button on the top left above the results.

By clicking “Save new search” you will be able to create and name a new search.

Can I filter my results?

You can filter the results of your searches using the sidebar.

Here you can find many filters, grouped into four main categories:
1) Geographic filters: here you can find the filters Country, Territorial area, City, Postcode, Saved map areas.
2) General characteristics: the filters Status, Categories, Operating     revenue, Consolidation Codes, Stock Exchange, Date of incorporation, and Number of employees are part of this category.
3) Type of activity: in this category you can set up filters related to the Main activity of the companies, as well as filters for NAICS, NACE, SIC and nation-specific industry codes. You will also be able to select primary and secondary codes by checking the boxes.

The distinction between primary and secondary codes is due to the fact that a company might carry out several economic activities. In this case, it might have assigned a primary code related to the activity that contributes the largest percentage to the value added of its production unit.

In addition to this, it might have secondary codes associated with it. By checking both options, Matchplat Explore will identify companies registered in our database with both the primary and secondary codes you selected.  
- Additional filters: here you can find the filters Stages to exclude/include and Folders to exclude.
To activate the filters, you need to click on the apply button.

The sidebar controls are:
- Reduce/Expand: shows or hides the filters in all the four categories.
- Apply: activates the filters.
- Clean: removes all the parameters entered within the filters.
- Save: saves a combination of filters.
- Load edit: recalls a previously saved combination of filters.

How can I add a company to a stage?

You can add a company to a stage in two ways:

1) Click on the Stage icon in the Company detail section of the Company tab and then select the stage from the dropdown menu.

2) Select the companies you want add to a stage from your results list, then click on the Add to / Remove from button and choose the stage you want to add companies to.
You can also create a new stage in this moment by scrolling and clicking on the Add to new stage button.

How can I add a person to an hub?

You can add professionals and decision makers to your Hubs from the People section of the Company tab.

To do it, just click on Add to hub icon.
At this point you can create a new hub or add the person to an existing hub.